Do You Need Wide Fitting Shoes? Here’s What You Need to Know

It has happened again. The designer shoes you bought at the mall have once more proved to be utterly uncomfortable. Even though when you picked them up at the store you made sure you left some length for your toes and did a little test feel to realize if they convinced you, they ended up being a grim disappointment. Wearing them throughout the course of a whole day felt like a slow torture, and now that you’ve made it home and had the chance of taking them off and chill, this moment feels like heaven on Earth. You have decided you will keep the pair dusting in the wardrobe, until a special occasion comes when it is worth it to bear with the pain throughout the course of some hours. We all know that this will never happen. There’s no reason why you should make yourself go through the pains you faced. The truth is that you only need shoes that really fit your needs. But why does this seem so hard to find?
Not all shoes are made the same!
The world of fast fashion has made people across the globe think that knowing a shoe’s length is the only factor that we should take into account while shopping for all types of footwear. This could not be farther from the truth. Most fashion brands do their shoes according to their own standardized models with very little regard to the needs of their customers. The lack of variety in the form of shoes is a clear example of this. But what is even more astonishing is that many of them absolutely disregard that the width of feet varies across a very wide spectrum, and people who have thick feet have to bear with dreadful levels of tightness just because the designer who devised their shoes absolutely neglected the variability in potential customers. The human anatomy tends to defy proportion much more than what we take for granted. Needless to say, all bodies have their own distinctive features, and you should definitely not conform with wearing shoes that do not fit you exactly as they should. Fortunately, there are wide-width shoes out there that can grant you much more comfort than you have gotten used to.
What makes wide-width shoes special?
People with wide feet usually are not aware that they need shoes that are made according to their own standards. For this reason, custom-made footwear comes out as a true blessing when they finally discover that one can live without having to deal with tightness in the ankle and the bridge of their feet just because they’re dressing smart casual. Wide-fitting shoes are designed with the purpose of avoiding these types of situation, while also compensating on the shoes’ length so that the wearer can be comfortable throughout the whole of their day-to-day activities, even for outdoors recreation.
Everybody should wear shoes that fit their width
Everybody should be aware of what their width size is, not only to buy shoes, but also to monitor what type of footwear they need. There are certain conditions that can lead people to have swollen feet, which end up requiring footwear that fits them in the best way possible. You may have heard that this is something that happens in the long run to people who suffer from diabetes. However, there are many other factors that may make people potential wearers of wide fitting shoes. Athletes can suffer from this condition, as microtraumas and straining in the foot’s ligaments end up making the muscles in the feet looser. To avoid further damage, it is very important to be very mindful of details. Proper footwear should be comfortable from ankle to toes. No detail is left aside. If you feel that the sides of your shoes are getting tighter against your feet, you should definitely look into shifting into wide fitting shoes for the sake of your health and comfort.
Wearing the right type of footwear avoids the unnecessary nuisances of blistering, chafing, or even tripping. Besides this, the stress that this may amount to your body can make you more sensible towards certain type of overuse injuries, especially if you are trying to compensate the pain caused by your shoes by doing movements that are not natural through long spans of time. It is all just a matter of picking up footwear that fits your exact needs. The benefits are immediate.
How can you know which width you need?
To know what type of width you should aim for, it is important to make sure you understand the notation through which these shoes are sold. Although this may seem like a complicated matter at first glance, it is actually very simple. Width is described with a number-letter system which is actually an index of narrowness or wideness. For men it goes from A to E, starting in Extra Narrow and ending in Wide. However, once shoes get into the wider part of the spectrum, shoes can be described as 2E or 4E (Extra Wide). For women, the categories start in 4A (which is the measurement for Extra Narrow for females) and end in E (Extra Wide). Knowing which of them adjusts better to your needs is essential to give your feet the treatment that they deserve.
Walking comfortably is a lost art and also a pleasure in life that no one should deny themselves to. People with wide feet deserve it more than anyone else. As a plus to this, we shouldn’t forget that comfort always ends up influencing our posture, which is one of the basic factors through which we present our demeanor to the world. True comfort never goes unnoticed.
Bespoke shoes – the gold standard
The best shoes are those that fit us exactly as they should not only in terms of width and length, but also in terms of depth. For this reason, even though we may be sure we’re picking shoes the right size and with the proper width, the highest standards of comfort can only be attained through bespoke shoes, especially when they’re done with top-notch materials.
Wearing proper shoes is an act of self-love. Listen to what your feet are asking of you. In Poyter, we can give them what they need.